Monday, September 19, 2011


 A shot of one of the seagulls that congregate by the lake that I live close too
 An abandoned grill by the waterside that has been flooded by rainwater
 These two swans got incredibly close to me, no further than 3 yards!
 A close up of one of the swans
The last butterfly of the year

Monday, September 12, 2011


I was assigned to pick 5 pictures (of the many I took today) to make a composition with the following characteristics: The Golden Ratio, Point of Interest, Contrast, Depth, Diagonals and Balance.
Here are the results!

 One can clearly see the point of interest, the head, as well as the layers of depth. the head and neck are also match the golden ratio.
 This picture shows the contrast between the turquoise earring, the blue-gray wall and the blonde hair, the earring is also the center of interest and correlates to the golden ratio.
 Here the theme is contrast, the contrast between the white, red and green. It really brings out the colors in the plant and chair.
 I barely managed to capture this picture before the Seagull flew off, there are a lot of diagonals in this picture and the Seagull is the center of interest.
A simple shot showing the sky, river and nearby building, the building is on the golden ratio, the ripples in the water and the steps also create diagonals.